Thursday, May 26, 2011

Make-up Collection and storage

This post is definitely in no way bragging or showing off. Personally, I love watching and seeing these types of posts/videos on YT and thought I'd do the same as others have done for me. So here is my storage unit/collection for my vanity items. Enjoy watching/reading!

My beauty vanity from Ethan Allen that is passed down to me :)

Top of the vanity:
Jewelry cases, fedoras, perfumes, palettes, brushes etc.
First Drawer: Hair
Hair clips, ties, headbands, comb, bobby pins
Second Drawer: Miscellaneous
Sunglasses, tripod, randoms
Third Drawer: Face Drawer
Foundations, powders, blushes, concealers and primers
Fourth Drawer: Eye drawer
Palettes, liners, pencils, curlers and mascaras
Fifth drawer: Lip drawer
Pencils, lipsticks, glosses, balms and nail file
Sixth Drawer: Nails
Nail polish, fake nails, nail polish removers
Last drawer: Miscellaneous
Extras of everything!

peace, love and cupcakes!